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"Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go." Us being who we are and what we do, I'm sure the latter pertains to us as we take your refuge! TUESDAY 1/21/2025 UPDATE: The A1 route was not completed yesterday, these few, 15-20 customers will be picked up later this morning or early afternoon, please leave your trash out. All other routes are on regular schedule today. There's NO change in schedule. All routes are on regular schedule all week! Attention "Driveway and Carry Out" customers, some of your driveways are shaded and still ice covered and we will not be attempting these driveways, we do not want to take any chances!! Please bring your trash to the road side! Thank you in advance for your patience. Our driver's safety comes first!. PLEASE SHARE!!!! TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR TOO! BE SAFE EVERYONE!
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Second: (618)549-7787 Third/Fax: (618) 549-5048
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