Serving Southern Illinois

Ed Burris Disposal Service LLC FAQs

- Locally and Family Owned Since 1958
- Full-Service Trash Business
- On-Site Quotes and Analysis

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Ed Burris Disposal Service LLC FAQs

Have a waste removal-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today at Ed Burris Disposal Service LLC at (618) 549-2008 for more information!

General FAQs

  • What are your office hours?

    We are open Monday-Friday, from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

  • What is your mailing address?

    Our mailing address is P.O BOX 638, Carbondale, IL 62903.

  • How do I set up an account with Ed Burris Disposal Service LLC?

    You can set up an account by calling our office at (618) 549-2008. We will need your name, service address, billing address, and phone number.

  • How do I find out my account balance?

    You can receive your account balance by calling the office at (618) 549-2008. Please give your account number or service address to the customer service representative and they will be able to provide you with an account balance as well as answer any other questions about your bill.

  • How often are we billed?

    Residential customers are billed on a quarterly basis. Commercial accounts are billed on a monthly basis. Our quarterly billing system is set up thusly: January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December.

  • Will you prorate my bill if I start or stop my service in the middle of the month?

    Yes, we will prorate your bill for the days that you are not planning to use our service.

  • I am going on vacation and will not need service. Can I put a temporary stop on my service?

     If you call in advance and let our office know beforehand, we will prorate your account for the number of pickups that you missed.

  • Can I pay for my service bill by credit card?

    Yes, we take Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, however, you must call the office during regular business hours. Automatic payment is not available at this time. There is a small service charge for credit card payments.

  • Can I pay the driver for my trash service?


  • Can bad weather conditions cause my service to be interrupted?

    Sometimes bad weather can cause an interruption. However, to avoid possible damage to your property and to ensure everyone's safety, our drivers use their best judgment when accessing your location. When this happens, we try to reschedule service, but that is not always possible if the bad weather lasts for more than one day. Sometimes it may be necessary to skip one week and then pick up the following week on your scheduled day.

  • How do I stop my account with Ed Burris Disposal Service LLC?

    Please contact the office at (618) 549-2008 during our normal business hours or email us at Please make sure to give us your name, billing address, and phone number so that we may contact you if we have any questions. We must recieve (30) thirty day notice for any credits or refunds to occur. 

  • Are there any administration fees?

    We do not charge any fuel or environmental fees. We do charge a finance fee of 2% for late bills. 

    We do charge a Reinstatement fee of $5.00 to restart an account stopped for non payment. 

Residential FAQs

  • What can I not put into my trash?

    You cannot put hazardous chemicals, yard waste, liquid paint, tires, and electronics. You also cannot put out appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, air conditioners, or washers and dryers.

  • Do you provide containers for my trash and recycling?

    We do not provide containers for trash; however, we do for recycling.

  • Do I have to use cans for my trash?

    Please try to contain your trash in cans if possible. However, cans are not required and bagged trash is fine. Keep in mind that animals will sometimes tear bags apart and our drivers are not responsible for picking up any scattered trash.

  • Can I get extra waste picked up if I am spring cleaning?

    Yes, please contact our office and we will be happy to tell you about any additional costs. We will also inform the driver in advance so he can plan on making the appropriate accommodations.

  • Can you take large items such as furniture?

    Yes, but please call the office to make arrangements for those items to be picked up.

  • Can I get a quote for a large or unusual cleanup?

    Yes, call the office and give us a detailed list of items or number of bags and their sizes and we will give you an estimate on what the cleanup could cost.

  • How do you determine 70 gallons of trash?

    Look on the lid or container where it is usually listed. We consider 70 gallons to be typically 2 35-gallon trash cans or 4-6 kitchen bags (13 gallons). Cans should not weigh more than 35-40 pounds each.

  • Why are there extra charges on our bill?

    Extra charges apply when there is more trash put out than within the subscribed rate of service, or for heavy or bulk items such as furniture, construction debris, or shingles, which are not considered "household waste."

  • I do not always put out my allotted amount of trash each week. Why doesn't the driver keep that in mind when applying extra charges?

    The basic service subscription rate includes all administrative and fixed collection costs in addition to picking up the allotted amount. Our costs go up when residents put more than the allotted amount because we are using more resources such as labor, landfill costs, and fuel.

  • What time will the driver be by to pick up my trash?

    Please be ready for pickup by 6:30 AM on the scheduled day. Route times can vary due to many factors, such as traffic and weather.

  • If I forgot to put out my trash, will the driver come back?

    We try to accommodate customers if we have a truck in the area. However, customers who repeatedly ask for the truck to come back will be subject to a return trip charge.

  • Can I temporarily stop my service if I am going on vacation?

    Yes, provided that you contact the office ahead of time. We will be happy to prorate your account.

  • On which holidays do you not offer service?

    New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

  • When will my trash be picked up during a holiday week?

    Trash and recycling pickups will occur one day later than normal, but only for the days following the holiday. For example: Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday. Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's routes will not change but Thursday's route will be done on Friday, and Friday's route will be picked up on Saturday. 

    For more information, please refer to our Holiday Schedule.

  • What if a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday?

     Our pickup schedule will not change in those cases. Your pickup will occur on the same day as normal.

  • How do you dispose of old liquid paint in cans?

    There are several ways that you can get rid of old paint. You could donate the paint to local community theater groups, churches, recreation departments, or schools. If you can't find someone to donate to, you can add kitty litter, paint dry, or sand to your can and make a paste to dry up the old paint. You can also contact your local health department to find out the scheduling for the Hazardous Waste Collection Events.

Commercial FAQs

  • What do I do if I need an extra pickup of my dumpster?

    Call our office and we can put an additional stop on our schedule. We will also advise you of any extra charges that will be incurred. If you find that you are frequently scheduling extra pickups, it may be more economical to increase your dumpster size or the frequency of your pickup.

  • What happens if I have items for disposal outside my dumpster?

    To be sure that these items get picked up, call us prior to your scheduled pickup and we will let the driver know to expect these additional items. We can then discuss any extra charges that might occur.

  • Can I put construction debris into my container?

    For the safety of the driver, you must contact the office prior to putting these types of materials into the container. This allows us to ensure we make the right accommodations. Items should not be put in a container that will not fit inside with the lid closed. You cannot force items inside the container that will get wedged in. Remember that we also offer different pricing for construction and demolition debris.

  • There was a car blocking my dumpster, will the driver come back?

    In order to keep costs down, please keep the dumpster accessible on your scheduled pickup day. Our drivers make a reasonable attempt to go back, but they are not instructed to make additional trips.

  • Can I get a small dumpster for short term projects such as spring cleaning?

    No, we only use our roll-off containers for short term projects.

  • How full can I fill up the dumpster?

    Containers should be filled level full. Items stacked on top of the container are considered extra and will result in extra charges.

  • Which items cannot be put in a dumpster?

    Furniture, construction debris, shingles, appliances, tires, yard waste, hazardous chemicals, or electronics, and paint in liquid form.

Roll-Off FAQs

  • What size roll-offs do you offer for delivery?

    We have the following sizes available: 10 cubic yards, 20 cubic yards, and 30 cubic yards. For more information, see our roll-off page.

  • How far in advance should I book a roll-off?

    Generally, we can get roll-offs out to you within 24 hours. However, in certain seasons, it may take longer.

  • When is the payment required?

    We require that you pay for the container at the time of delivery or in advance.

  • Do I need to be there for delivery?

    Yes, if you plan on paying at the time of delivery. Please note that you will need to allow for a 4-hour window for delivery. We will place the container wherever you request.

  • If I need the roll-off emptied and brought back, is there another charge?

    Yes, this is called an empty and return. We replace the full container with an empty one. The replacement container will be the same charge as the original roll-off unless a different size is requested.

  • How long can I use the roll-off for?

    Our prices include a 7-day rental period. However, additional days can be scheduled at an additional rate. Please call the office for pricing details.

  • Do you automatically remove the dumpster after 7 days?

    No, we require that you contact us on or before the seventh day for removal.

  • Are there any restrictions on what I can put into the roll-off?

    Yes there are, you may not put tires, yard waste, hazardous chemicals, electronics, and appliances such as washer/dryers, hot water heaters, refrigerators, air conditioners, stoves, dehumidifiers, and freezers, and paint in liquid form. 


    If you plan on using the roll-off for heavy materials such as dirt, rock, concrete, brick, and other similar items, these can create weight issues and should only be put into a roll-off with approval from our office.

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